Jonas Reitz

I conceive and design several Ad-Sets for all common display formats and develop them as High Impact HTML5 or AMP Ads.

Ad Creation & Development

Based on a short briefing on target group communication, the brand CI and current advertising material of currently running campaigns, I conceive and design several Ad-Sets for all common display formats and develop them, analogous to AdSpecs, as high impact HTML5 or AMPHTML Ads – animated, attention- and performance-oriented. Free usage for Google Ads or the DSP/ad server of your choice guaranteed.

Digital AdvertisingHTML5 AdsAMP Ads
Campaign StrategiesConceptsTarget Group CommunicationAd CreationAd DevelopmentWeb DevelopmentHTML5AMPDisplay AdsInteractive AdsResponsive AdsGoogle AdsProgramming

All services at a glance


target group definitions & consumer insights

Target Groups

target group strategies & communication


review of brand CI, styleguides & currently running ad sets

Conception & Design

conception and creation of various routes & ad sets


animated High Impact HTML5 or AMP ads

Rich Media

implementation of interactive elements or dynamic data feeds

Extra Ressource

additional manpower for agencies

Free Usage

free usage for DMP/Adserver of choice

Premium Service

fast delivery & no fees or additional costs

Let’s work together